Is this the basic premise of design?

After more than 20 years of launching new products, it ultimately gets down to this.

  1. If the product you have developed doesn’t solve a problem, then, you have a potential problem.
  2. If your product is not easy to use and simple to understand, potential buyers are not likely to buy it.

Put simply, buyers are intuitive. When they see it they want to understand it. As well as being appealing, its benefits need to be obvious and It needs to make sense immediately.

It is safe to say that, most buyers will not read a user manual. When was the last time you did? Ask your children if they have ever read a user manual? I know mine haven’t.

Is this the basic premise of design?


After more than 20 years of launching new products, it ultimately gets down to this.


  1. If the product you have developed doesn’t solve a problem, then, you have a potential problem.


  1. If your product is not easy to use and simple to understand, potential buyers are not likely to buy it.


Put simply, buyers are intuitive. When they see it they want to understand it. It needs to make sense immediately as well as being appealing.


It is safe to say that, most buyers will not read a user manual. When was the last time you did? Ask your children if they have ever read a user manual? I know mine haven’t.

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